Created by LOUD Graphic Studios of Oklahoma City, the Envision Comic Universe (ECU) is a vast, modern, 21st-century entertainment venture that exists as the world's first and only principled, pro-American comic realm designed entirely from the ground up! With concepts and scripts relevant for today, the ECU is comprised of over 500 fresh and captivating characters. The Envision Universe exists as a unique, fictional, "real world" comic realm involving heroes, villains, mercenaries, civilian characters and functional organizations, immersed into a tremendous, stunning and vivid comic realm that goes far beyond the typical hero/villain model. The "real world" aspect of the ECU is its present-day earth setting, allowing for incorporation of today's most pressing events, issues and conflicts into the scripts. Our carefully crafted, alternative, 21st-century comic realm incorporates hot-point issues, such as worldviews, politics, social culture and left-wing tyranny in a bold, uncompromising fashion that engages the fan to participate in the world around them.
Unlike any existing comic realm, the Envision Universe is forged with the backbone of a Christian worldview and seared with seven key principles that keep it from descending into the pitfalls, snares and inconsistencies common with other comic publishers. What this means is with the ECU, you won't have to bear yet another time-travel script or ridiculously overlapping multiverses - which is a cheap and lazy scripting tactic. Additionally, while other publishers are dependent on their old bread-n-butter characters, many of which were created over half a century ago, the Envision Universe relies on its concepts, its freshly innovative characters and its seven principles that create a refreshingly disciplined form of comic-genre entertainment. As such, the ECU is a version of comic entertainment that is unmatched in its design.
Even our logo has strategic meaning: the ECU logo is what we refer to as our "Laser-ray Medallion". The circle medallion portion of our logo represents completeness, as is often identified by rings or circular shapes. Unlike a ring, a medallion is solid in its form, structurally dense and unwarping; here, it signifies the principles of our comic realm and our uncompromising brand. The horizontal "laser-rays" represents energy that compliments the solid structure of principle. The laser rays do not manipulate the firm structure of the medallion, and the medallion affirms the perfect horizontal balance of the energy rays. As for the rays, they are displayed on three planes for good reason. The triple plane of the rays garners respect to the perfect, triune God of Christianity, which is the stern backbone of our comic realm. Also, the rays intentionally slant right to acknowledge the political leanings of the ECU.
Over time, you will see variations of this logo involving different colors or perhaps images within the medallion portion. Regardless of the variation, the shape is unwavering, as is the eternal, universal principles on which this realm was designed.
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